Monday, September 14, 2009

My Moldovan-in-laws

Well, my Moldovan parent in-laws came over again... yes, I am now going to refer to the landlords Ana and Dmitrii as my Moldovan parent-in-laws.  The "in-law" part is a technicality that I am including because of our official residence documentation.  They really are a cute couple.  I hope I have not disparaged them too much in the name of humor, because they have certainly taken a keen interest in my well-being (for which I am grateful.)

I should take a moment to give a better description of them (if I had known I was going to write about them tonight, I'd have taken a picture with them... I'll remember to do that at some point.)

They are both very friendly.  Dmitrii is a bit quieter, but very hands on.  He does not just explain something, but will physically do it as an illustration and then watch to make sure that I am able to mimic it.  When I told them that I broke my first key (which was part of my explanation of seeing a lot of the town) they became very concerned.  Well, today Dmitrii showed up with a copy of ALL THREE keys (one of which is a major piece of steel... the "push-lock" I call it.  Another is a very "secret" key... his daughter referred to it as her dad's FBI key... I guess I am in the "circle of trust.")  He also brought a metal file... when explaining how I broke the key last Thursday, I showed him how the lock sticks just a bit and requires a push on the door.  Well, I'll be danged if he didn't start filing down the door!  Apparently the "push" is not an official part of turning the lock thrice.  :^) 

Ana is quite a bit more talkative.  She also wants me to be a bit more talkative (she was impressed that I was able to converse much better today... I'm on-again off-again with the language right now.)  But if I say something with the wrong pronunciation, conjugation or accent, she will correct me (she really does want me to be able to speak well.)  She is more of a mother hen... took a look around the place, checked a third time to make sure I understand how the gas in the kitchen works, let me know that the window blinds should be left shut (for security reasons... something about people being able to see whether the lights are on)... she even brought fresh pillowcases and a new tablecloth.  The other tablecloth was white and a bit summery, this one is yellow and will be better for the fall.  I think she takes great pride in this apartment, and she should.  As you have all seen, I am lucky to have a very nice apartment.

Anyway, just wanted you to know that although sometimes I feel like I am on "Meet the Parents" and laugh about it, the Tafis are very nice people and hopefully some of you who are reading this will one day get to meet the little couple that keeps me well!

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