Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Let the Adventure Begin

Well, needless to say, the last few weeks have been hectic. I enjoyed much needed time with my family and friends before taking off for the mysterious Republic of Moldova. Something I did not accomplish among all the fun was minding my final preparations. Bailey and I were up until just after 1 in the morning last night cramming 165 pounds of goods and services into 2 suitcases, a carry-on and a messenger bag. Yes, that is 0.58 pounds of possession per day (286 days of adventure left... for those of you who like numbers.) And yes, that left one of my suitcases at a hefty 75 pounds.

I am currently sitting in the Charlotte airport, waiting to board for the transatlantic portion of my travels. If all goes well, I have 23 hours and 25 minutes left before I leave my first footprint in Moldova. As you can imagine, I am quite excited at this point and ready to learn all that is Moldovan.

I am not sure when I will be back within range of a hot-spot, but I look forward to sharing my adventure with you. Until the next time!

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