Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy International Women's Day!

A quick post in real-time:

Today is a very important day in Moldova, and many other countries in the region.  It is International Women's Day, a day on which women of all ages, positions, and statuses are celebrated.  So, to all the women that are so important to my life and heart (Bailey, Mom, my Grandmas, Audrey, KLA and Tricia, Cristina, Mama Ica, Tobi and Marilyn, my precious nieces and aunts and Godmother,and all my female friends,colleagues and professors around the world) I wish you a very happy day, much health and continued future success!  Your love is wonderful, your thoughtfulness appreciated, and your lives are inspirational to many more people than you might think.  It is righteous and just that today we celebrate your lives.

Happy International Women's Day!


  1. Thank you for including "aunts"! I'm thinking of you and following your adventures! Aunt Carole
