Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saturday's Pictures

Two Blocks from my house:  Pharmacy and Bank (where I exchange currency)
And across the street...

Center of Family Medicine #11
Three blocks from my house is the little market from which I bought oranges (the day of the "broken key")
In the windows on the left, you can just make out some fruit.  That is where the fruit window is.  The windows on the right enclose a little patio cafe, and straight through the door, down a short hallway is a market counter.  This is the type of store which houses its merchandise behind a counter, you tell a clerk what you need, and he/she gets it for you.
A school of commerce is on the next block...

...and five blocks from my house...
... The Supreme Court.
Kitty-corner from the Supreme Court (or Catty-corner, for the New Orleanians) but sitting more at the junction of blocks 5&6...
The Academy of Economic Studies
On the block 6 is the electronics store where I found my speakers...
And then we arrive at a self-serve grocery market:  the food is on shelves, you pick what you want, and take it up to a check-out counter (like we shop in the states.)  Fidesco is open 24 hours!  I'll be headed there right after I finish posting and skyping Bailey...

On the same block is an open air cafe... one of these days, when my time is not consumed by some unplanned adventure, I am going to try the food...
An old door on block 7 that looks like it hasn't been opened in a couple of decades...
Just thought it looked cool... on with the tour!
Street signs are either hung or painted on the sides/corners of buildings... here is a one which has been hung across from ye olde door.
And after 7 blocks, we are now at the edge of the park which is lined by florists (picturesof florists posted under "Crisis in Chisinau.")  On two of the corners you will see these little kiosks and carts... they are at every major intersection.  The kiosks vend cellphone minutes (either "Orange" or "Moldcell") as well as candy, lighters, etc.  The carts sell beer, juice, water, etc.  Other carts and kiosks sell foods, or perfumes, or newspapers... (I found a French bakery stuffed inside a kiosk about twice as large as the kiosk in this picture.)
...or cigarettes.
There are also many, many pizza places; which I guess makes sense given that Moldova is renowned for its tomatoes (and grapes, apples, wine and dairy...)
These are the signs you see indicating monetary exchanges...
And we've finally made it to the corner of Metropolitul G. Banudescu Bodoni and Boulevardul Stefan Cel Mare Si Sfint
A more formal street sign  :^)
In the distance you can see what will later be described to me as "the place where the president goes when there are problems..."
And across the street...
... is another park:

Above:  Check out that Oak Alley...

(In the interest of Joe and Michelle's ongoing debate as to whether that is a "Space Walk" or a "Bouncy Room"... the man told me it is a "Balon" = Balloon.  There were quite a few of these in the park.)

And after passing the cafes on the edge of the park, we have looped back onto Stefan Cel Mare; about 2 blocks down from G. Badunescu Bodoni
Here I find a cinema...
..with an open air cafe.

After getting directions to #192 Stefan Cel Mare, I come to the "President's Offices"
And now from here I am no longer on my own... if you haven't read the "Hijacked on Stefan Cel Mare" post, some of this won't make snese... but here goes.
 A church...

...and the park filled with brides...
(sorry, these pictures were all a bit rushed... but I wasn't exactly on my own time at this point.)





Hey, I'm getting good at this... :^)





Wow, your beautiful.  No, don't get up!  This Journalist would like to take more photos of you!

I think the groom wanted to choke me... :^)
 My buzzed up tour guide... the one and only... Marina!

And, just in case you didn't believe that I was wearing a jersey, jeans and sneakers in that beautiful church during mass...

Yours truly, not allowed to smile (Marina's orders...) looking as silly as my day had turned.
Hope you enjoyed the tour... sorry I didn't get pictures on the trolley or autobuz; I was in a bit of shock at the time.  :^)


  1. You are a closet Wedding Crasher! I had no idea Brian!

  2. HAHA! I never thought about that!!! Holy cats... I AM a closet wedding crasher... Should I see a therapist about this? :^)
