Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brushing up on Language Skills

I am currently in between the first two phases of my research project.  A week ago I finished my clinical studies of the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) at the Central Municipal TB Hospital in Chisinau.  This first phase comprised the first 6 weeks of my time in Moldova.  I am now moving into the policy phase of my research, working most closely with the Coalition for the Safe and Rational Use of Medicines (CoRSUM.)  There are a couple of policy issues I will work on with Dr. Cebotarenco of CoRSUM throughout the remainder of my time in Moldova (international clinical networking on behalf of migrants, and student volunteering/networking.)  As another major component of the policy phase, I have chosen to map the network of organizations available to clinicians and patients to aid in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of TB.  I am currently organizing meetings with major governmental and non-governmental organizations to begin the process.  This will also synergize with the efforts through CoRSUM to increase student community involvement, as it will undoubtedly identify organizations that might appreciate additional, skilled, human resources.

But, just as important, I am also currently focusing on the development of my language skills in order to prep for the third, and final, phase of my study (volunteer clinical rotations.)  I have given myself 2 weeks to really polish up... but right now, I need a break.  :^)

So, back to where I left off...

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