Sunday, November 8, 2009

The National Congress of Physiopneumology of the Republic of Moldova; October 1-2, 2009


Setting the scene...

Within my time studying at the Central Municipal TB Hospital in Chișinau, I was offered the opportunity to attend the National Congress of Physiopneumology.  The event was presided over by Dr. Iavorschi, the Director of the "Chiril Draganiuc" Physiopneumology Institute.  Other notable participants included: Dr. Vladislav Erohin, Director of Central Tuberculosis Institute of the Medical Academy of Sciences in Moscow;  Dr. Victor Punga, Chief of Department at Central Tuberculosis Institute of the Medical Academy of Sciences in Moscow; Dr. Traian Mihaescu, Chief of the Pneumology Clinical Hospital in Iași, Romania; Dr. Dmitri Sain, Coordinator of the Moldovan National Tuberculosis Control Program; Dr. Maria Cetulean, Director of the Central Municipal TB Hospital in Chișinau; and Dr. Aurelia Ustian, former Director of the "Chiril Draganiuc" Physiopneumology Institute and current head of the Physiopneumology Department at the Central Municipal TB Hospital.

Aside from these "big-hitters," numerous physicians and hospital directors/chiefs from across Moldova presented research and policy positions.  In addition, all of the residents and fellows currently training within the Chiril Draganiuc" Physiopneumology Institute presented their research findings.  It was a fairly in depth view of the research and concerns from across the Republic of Moldova, as well as a look at research from Germany, Romania, Russia and the Ukraine.  I am lucky enough to now be in possession of a book containing 147 research abstracts from around the region (already translated into English!)

Milling Around Before the Show Starts....

Dr. Aurelia Ustian conversing with Dr. Traian Mihaescu of Romania.

Dr. Ustian welcoming Dr. Vladislav Erohin of Russia.

Dr. Cebotarenco from CoRSUM was a participant as well!
On with the Show!

Dr. Iavorschi making opening remarks.

Dr. Ustian's Opening Remarks

Dr. Maria Cetulean with a gift of flowers to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the "Chiril Draganiuc" Physiopneumology Department.

Dr. Cetulean presenting data regarding the epidemiology of TB in Chișinau between 1955 and 2008.

Dr. Sabine Rusch-Gerdes of Germany made a presentation regarding diagnostic technologies.  She pointed out that there is one player who continually impeeds progress and gets between the other players, and that "we all need to get rid of."  I'll let you guess which person she highlighted with her laser-pen...


This is Dr. Veaceslav Kulev; he was the physician who has instructed me one-on-one during my time at the TB Hospital.  Here he is presenting his data on the impact of migration on TB in Chișinau.

Taking it all in... yes, this is just evidence of me paying close attention.  :^)

Dr. Cetulean convinced me to get in for a picture with the "big hitters."  The minds at the center of both the Russian and Moldovan struggles against TB are present in this picture.

Of course, no meeting is a success until its participants go home happy, healthy, and full of food.  This was one of the lunch tables on Thursday... as you can see in this photo, we all grab a plate and plasticware, then stand around the table and eat from the small-plates.  Very cool way to encourage conversation...
you truly "share a meal."

And so concludes my first experience at an international pulmonology conference.  As you can see, it was a very neat couple of days... at Thursday night's dinner I even did a traditional Moldovan circle-dance.  Sorry, wasn't able to snap a photo of myself... and sadly I didn't take a picture of the dinner tables either!  Let it be known that I am experiencing a disappointment-factor of  around 7 on a 10-point scale.  But I hope you enjoyed the pictorial nonetheless!

Until the next time...

Brushing up on Language Skills

I am currently in between the first two phases of my research project.  A week ago I finished my clinical studies of the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) at the Central Municipal TB Hospital in Chisinau.  This first phase comprised the first 6 weeks of my time in Moldova.  I am now moving into the policy phase of my research, working most closely with the Coalition for the Safe and Rational Use of Medicines (CoRSUM.)  There are a couple of policy issues I will work on with Dr. Cebotarenco of CoRSUM throughout the remainder of my time in Moldova (international clinical networking on behalf of migrants, and student volunteering/networking.)  As another major component of the policy phase, I have chosen to map the network of organizations available to clinicians and patients to aid in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of TB.  I am currently organizing meetings with major governmental and non-governmental organizations to begin the process.  This will also synergize with the efforts through CoRSUM to increase student community involvement, as it will undoubtedly identify organizations that might appreciate additional, skilled, human resources.

But, just as important, I am also currently focusing on the development of my language skills in order to prep for the third, and final, phase of my study (volunteer clinical rotations.)  I have given myself 2 weeks to really polish up... but right now, I need a break.  :^)

So, back to where I left off...